Troy Mazerolle

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Canada's Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

This page showcases the GDP page in the Power BI report.

Below is a high-level overview of the report. Currently, the report displays national GDP, as it is not filtered by province, and reflects the total GDP across all industries (note that "All Industries" is a distinct filter). The bar chart provides a visual representation of GDP by province. Additionally, two line charts illustrate GDP trends over time. The first line chart is filtered solely by industry, while the second is filtered by both industry and province. Although both line charts presently display identical results, maintaining both views enables the identification of abnormal industry trends in specific provinces, which will be explored further in the next section.

National GDP

To demonstrate the value of having both line charts, we applied filters to analyze the GDP of the Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing industry in Saskatchewan. The first line chart illustrates the industry trend across Canada, while the second focuses specifically on Saskatchewan. The comparison reveals a notable divergence: the national GDP for this industry is trending upwards, whereas the GDP in Saskatchewan is declining. This disparity suggests the presence of localized factors negatively impacting the industry within Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan Bakery Industry

While the GDP page of the Power BI report does not provide insights into the underlying causes of GDP fluctuations, it serves as a valuable tool for identifying trends that can prompt further investigation. For example, the report highlights the significant decline in the GDP of the Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing industry in Saskatchewan after 2020, despite the Canadian industry as a whole remaining stable or growing. Although the report does not explain the reasons behind this decline, it effectively draws attention to the anomaly, enabling users to conduct deeper research into its causes.

Website Background by Johannes Plenio